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excessive growth中文是什么意思

用"excessive growth"造句"excessive growth"怎么读"excessive growth" in a sentence


  • 发展过快
  • 过度长大
  • 过度增长
  • 过渡增长
  • 涨幅偏高


  • Excessive growth of horny tissue of the skin
  • This is due to excessive growth of their pancreatic islet cells that results in uncontrolled insulin secretion
  • High speed , old - age , heavy quantity , excessive growth and ahead of time are characteristics of the aging population of zhejiang
  • But the large amounts of dollars it was forced to buy were fuelling excessive growth in the money supply and hence inflation
  • Malignant down is an excessive growth of lanugo - like hair , which is associated with malignant disease of the lung , colon , gallbladder , and uterus
  • They would have sensors designed to detect changes in the eye that are related to disease , such as the excessive growth of blood vessels that occurs in amd
  • Excessive growth of investment in fixed assets , oversupply of credit and loans and sizable trade surplus are major problems in china ' s current economic development
  • In addition , he noted that china has also adopted a series of positive measures , such as planting trees and the prevention of excessive growth in the population
  • Similar targets have been exceeded in the past but the officials said wen would outline more forceful measures including possible structural reforms this year to rein in excessive growth
用"excessive growth"造句  
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